domingo, 10 de marzo de 2013

Standards in Teaching

  I think that the importance of knowing and checking standards in teaching have influenced a lot our teaching practices.  At the moment we realized the existence of them, we as teachers can be aware that knowledge students acquired depends not only in them but also in us. We facilitate them with content and tasks in our classes, but this content and practices should match with the goals and objectives of the course.  

 According to Kuhlman (2001), “Students’ performance (on assessment) depends on the quality of the instructional program provided… which depends on the quality of professional development”. For this reason the importance of emphasize in teachers standards help to ensure teachers’  pedagogical content knowledge,  and relevant theories, principles and purposes of assessment and evaluation knowledge.  This professional development also taken into consideration teachers’ abilities  to select curriculum content appropriate to learners and the learning context, to know how  to develop metacognitive strategies for diverse learners, and  to recognize the complex  influences  in personal, social and economic factors.

To sum up, the implementation of these standards in teaching practices can have a positive influence on students’ achievement, instruction, content,  and  assessment.